Organization Code DEV001
Organization Name Softcube
Email Address
Mobile No. 9269727062
Contact No 9269727062
City Jaipur
District Faridabad
State Delhi
Pincode 303602
Year of establishment 2022
Parent/Non-Parent DPO
Any representation in District/State/National Bodies/Committees Committees, District, National Bodies
Type of Legal Entity Non Profit Company
Number of Members in the Organisation 12
President President :
Presidnet Mobile No. 09269727062
President D.O.B. 02/03/1989
Secretary Name Secretary Name :
Secretary Mobile No. 09269727062
Secretary D.O.B. 02/03/1989
Treasurer Name Treasurer Name :
Treasurer Mobile No. 09999999999
Treasurer D.O.B. 02/03/1989
Activity (See List) Assistive Workshop, Early Intervention Centre, Group Home, Inclusive School, Self Advocacy, Special School, Vacational Traning Center
No. of PwIDDs (approx.) to whom Organization is serving (Yearly) : 123
Institutional/ Non Institutional :
Are you registered with National Trust : Yes
Are you registered with Niti Aayog : Yes
Annual turnover as per last audited balance sheet : 200000000